Scripture Resources
This electronic version of selections from Luke, Mark, Acts, Genesis, Ruth, and Romans, reflects the text as published in 4 books by Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia from 1975-1981.
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English | ENGP5106A -- Pacific Linguistics, Series C-131, Further Aspects of the Grammer of Yanyuwa, Northern Australia | 500-Language & Culture | ANU | 10 | |
Yanyuwa | JAOC8110A -- Yanyuwa Songs/Karrwa Songs | 800-Music & Combinations | CD | CIMR | 20 |
Yanyuwa | JAOC8161A -- Yanyuwa Songs/Karrwa Songs 2011 Update | 800-Music & Combinations | CD | CIMR | 20 |
Yanyuwa | JAOK8111A -- More Karrwa & Yanyuwa Songs | 800-Music & Combinations | Cassette | CIMR | 5 |
Yanyuwa | JAOK8160A -- Yanyuwa Songs | 800-Music & Combinations | CD | CIMR | 5 |
General Language Information:
Yanyuwa is the language of the Yanyuwa people of the Sir Edward Pellew Group of Islands in the Gulf of Carpentaria outside Borroloola (Yanyuwa: burrulula) in the Northern Territory, Australia. Yanyuwa, like many other Australian Aboriginal languages, is a highly agglutinative language with ergative-absolutive alignment, whose grammar is pervaded by a set of 16 noun classes whose agreements are complicated and numerous. Yanyuwa is unusual among languages of the world in that it has separate dialects for men and for women at the morphological level. The only time that men use the women’s dialect is if they are quoting someone of the opposite sex and vice versa. Yanyuwa is extremely unusual in having 7 places of articulation for stops, compared to 3 for English and 4–6 for most other Australian languages. (from Wikipedia)
Ruth 1:17 Namba kinyamba-mirrala kulu ngarna karnamba-mirrala marda jingkinku ji-awarala, nungkarnarrku karnamba-mirrala bajingulaji. Namba kirnalu-kurramala kulu ngarna marda karnalu-kurramala baji yindaa. Kurdardi kirna-ndarru. Ngali barra, arrkula kali-wingkala, marda nyungkarrku ji-awaralu, ngali arrkula.” Kulu a-Rutha mili kanumbi-nu, “Jarna-yalbanganji ankaya Wirdiwalangu nganinya, ‘Namba kirna-ndayima kulu nganambaji mili karnilu-ramanjima wakulamba nyu-Wirdiwalangu, wakulamba ki-wardirrinjima barra ngatha awara,’ nganinya jarna-yalbanganji. Ngala yurrngumantha karna-nmala yindaa nganambaji.”