Mayali (Jabiru)

Scripture Resources

This is draft version of the gospel of Luke 8:22-25 in the Mayali language as used in Jabiru.


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General Language Information:


Mayali as used in this translation describes a dialect of Bininj Kunwok spoken by residents of Manaburdurma town camp in Jabiru. This Mayali is different to the Mayali dialect spoken in south-west Arnhem land. In the 2021 Census, 62 people used the name Mayali to describe the language they speak.

Luke 8:25:  Jesus binmarneyimeng bininj nuyeki. “Ngudda nyalekenh marrek kandimarrkmang”? Birrimarneyimerrinj, “Ngurrina. Nane bininj bibekkang nane kunkurra maken kunronj. Weleng biwokmarrkme keno binmarneyimeng. Warri woybukki nungka dulkarre badjan?” Birrikeleminj maken birrimalngbarremeng.