

Scripture Resources

‘Neningikarrawara – langwa ayakwa’ (Anindilyakwa and English Diglot Mini Bible) was printed in 1992 containing selections of Scripture from Genesis, John, Luke, Ephesians, 1 Timothy and James.
There are various Bible Stories translated into Anindilyakwa including the stories of Abraham, Jonah, Jacob & Esau and Joseph. For further details of these publications contact the Angurugu Community Library Research and Resource Centre.
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These resources may be purchased through The Bible Place, 3/38 Elder St, Alice Springs, Tel 08 8953 3057. Email

AnindilyakwaAOIC501A -- Anindilyakwa Dictionary on CD500-Language & CultureCDGroote Eylandt Linguistics15
AnindilyakwaAOIC8389A -- Anindilyakwa Hymns_x000D_
Emeba Jesus-langwa
800-Music & CombinationsCD15
AnindilyakwaAOIP501A -- Anindilyakwa Dictionary_x000D_
Eningerribirra-langwa jurra
500-Language & CulturePrint30
Anindilyakwa & EnglishAOIP228A -- Genesis, Jonah, Luke, Ephesians, 1Timothy and James200-Multiple Bible BooksPrintbible Society40

General Language Information:

The Anindilyakwa language is spoken by more than 1200 people from 14 clans of the Warnindilyakwa people of Groote Eylandt, the largest island in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
There are three Indigenous communities in the archipelago—Angurugu, Umbakumba and Milyakburra (Brickerton Island). As these communities are located off the coast of the Northern Territory the people lead distinctive and relatively traditional lifestyles.
An interesting facet to Aboriginal languages is that there are very few words for numbers. A study of this by University College London focussed on Anindilyakwa. Results indicated the “Anindilyakwa children  performed as well as, or better than, the English-speaking children on a range of tasks, and numerosities up to nine, even though they lacked number words.” (UCL Media Relations ‘Aboriginal kids can count without numbers’
The Anindilyakwa and English Digot MiniBible ‘Neningikarrawara-langwa Ayakwa’ was published in 1992 and contains selections of Scripture from Genesis, John, Luke, Ephesians, 1 Timothy and James. There are various Bible stories translated into Anindilyakwa including the stories of Abraham, Jonah, Jacob . Esau and Joseph, for further details of these publications contact the Angurugu Community Library Research and Resource Centre.

John 14:1 Biya ngarningka Jesus ni-yama ena-langwu-wa warnikabuburrakiyuwa, “Nare-ka karna a-werrikawarriyaduma umba wunu-werrungwur•dena Neningikarrawara-manja akwa ngawa nganjukwaba ngayuwa-manja.