Larrakia (Gulumoerrgin)

Scripture Resources

This electronic version of Gulumoerrgin Luke 2:6-12 is as published by Wycliffe Bible Translators in the 2023 booklet Bibi Jesus.


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General Language Information:

The language name is Gulumoerrgin. Larrakia is the name of the people and the old designation for the language.


The Larrakia people are the traditional owners of the Darwin region. Larrakia country runs from Cox peninsula in the west to Gunn Point in the north, Adelaide River in the east and down to the Manton Dam area southwards (

Alternative Names and Variant Spellings: 

Larrakiya, Gulumirrgin, Laragia, Larakia, Binnimiginda, Gunmajerrumba, Laragai, Laragiya, Larakeeyah, Larakiya, Larikia, Larragea, Larrakeah, Larrakeeha, Larrakeeyah, Larrakiha, Larreekeeyah, Larrekiya, Larriguia, Larrikaa, Larrikia, Larrikiha, Larrikiya, Larriquia, Marri, Woolsoongah, Larragia, Larekia, Ngandalagarak Larrakeah, Larrak eah, Gulumoerrgin (
Number of Speakers

14 people claimed to know the language in 2016.(2016 Australian Census)


Luke 2:9:  Angel gulkkwa Heaven gumiling, bini boedlirra ayppara balarr guleji gulp God boemiling bilppil gugam, boedlirra birrijalming.