Scripture Resources
The Pitjantjatjara New Testament, Tjukurpa Palya, was completed in 2002 and published along with 15% of the Old Testament including Genesis, most of Exodus, Ruth, Jonah, 13 Psalms and selections from 11 other OT books. That volume has been reprinted several times including a revision in 2007. This latest edition, published in 2019, is also a revision and contains additional Old Testament books of 1 Samuel and Daniel and several more Psalms. Translation of the Old Testament continues.
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These resources may be purchased through The Bible Place, 3/38 Elder St, Alice Springs, Tel 08 8953 3057. Email
Pitjantjatjara | PJTP368A -- Bible Stories/Tjukurpa Riitamilantjaku 4 | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | Pitjantjatjara Bible Translation Project | 4 | |
Pitjantjatjara | PJTA5407A -- Pitjantjatjara Language Course, pdf and mp3 files | 500-Language & Culture | 15 | ||
Pitjantjatjara | PJTC8204A -- Pitjantjatjara Country Gospel Spectaclular | 800-Music & Combinations | 15 | ||
Pitjantjatjara | PJTO980A -- Pitjantjatjara Rotary Verb Wheel | 900-Other | Pitjantjatara Bible Translation Project | 8 | |
Pitjantjatjara | PJTP3161A -- Pitjantjatjara Prayer | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | Bible Society | 0.3 | |
Pitjantjatjara | PJTP366A -- Bible Stories/Tjukurpa Riitamilantjaku 3 | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | Pitjantjatjara Bible Translatioin Project | 5 | |
Pitjantjatjara | PJTP5131A -- Wangka Wiru A Handbook for the Pitjantjatjara language learner | 500-Language & Culture | Mirrabooka Press | 48 | |
Pitjantjatjara | PJTU8208A -- Pitjantjatjara Inma Tjuta #1 | 800-Music & Combinations | Pitj Bible Translation Project | 20 | |
Pitjantjatjara | PJTU8209A -- Pitjantjatjara Inma Tjuta #2 | 800-Music & Combinations | Pitj Bible Trasnlation Project | 20 | |
Pitjantjatjara - Yankunytjatjara | PJTP542A -- Pitjantjatjara - Yankunytjatjara Learner's Guide | 500-Language & Culture | IAD Press | 18 |
General Language Information:
The Pitjantjatjara language is spoken by about 3,000 people. The majority of these people are in the APY (Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara) Lands of Central Australia.
According to the 1996 Census 80% of these people are monolingual. Speakers of Pitjantjatjara call themselves ‘Anangu’ (meaning people) and the language is closely related to Yankunytjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra.
The APY Lands was established by the 1981 Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights Act in which the SA Government gave Anangu title to more than 103,000 square kilometres of land in the northwest of South Australia, but the traditional lands of the Pitjantjatjara also extend into the Northern Territory and Western Australia. Some of the main communities in South Australia are Ernabella, Amata, Fregon, Indulkana, Mimili, Pipalyatjara, Yalata and Oak Valley; and in the Northern Territory, Docker River, Mutitjulu, Areyonga, Imanpa, and Finke, and in WA Wingellina and Tjunytjunytjara.
Some word examples :
yes —’uwa’
The Pitjantjatjara Shorter Bible ‘ Tjukurpa Palya’ was completed in 2002 with a revised edition to be printed in late 2019. Translation work is underway on a complete Old Testament.

Gen 1:1 Kuwaripatjara mulapa Godalu ilkaṟi munu manta palyaṉu uwankara wiyangka.