Mission Partners
Bible Translation is a complex process involved many different organisations as well as the local language speakers or Mother tongue translators (MTTs).
Translation Support Organisations as Mission Partners:
There are a number of Translation support organisations (TSO’s) which aid local indigenous translation teams with the work of indigenous Scripture translation through translation consultancy, training, production and distribution.
As you can see these organisations represent different denominations and contribute to indigenous translation in different ways. More than one translation support organisation may be involved in a single language project, for example the Pitjantjatjara Old Testament Translation Project receives support from the Finke River Mission (Lutheran Church) as well as support from the Uniting Church and Bible Society Australia. It is imperative that the importance of these relationships between these organisations and their unique roles be acknowledged for indigenous translation work to flourish.
We acknowledge and thank these Translation Support Organisations, which include:
- AIM (Australian Indigenous Ministry) https://australianindigenousministries.org.au/
- CMS (Church Missionary Society), Anglican Church https://www.cms.org.au/
- Coordinate: Supporting Indigenous Scriptures – a project of the Northern Regional Council of Congress (NRCC), and the Uniting Church in Australia Northern Synod
- Diocese of the Northern Territory (Anglican Church) http://www.ntanglican.org.au/
- Faith Comes By Hearing https://www.faithcomesbyhearing.com/
- FRM (Finke River Mission) and the Lutheran Church of Australia http://finkerivermission.lca.org.au/
- Global Interaction (Baptist Church) http://www.globalinteraction.org.au/who-we-are/people-groups/ongoing-relationships/outback-australia
- GRN (Global Recordings Network Australia) http://globalrecordings.net/en/au
- LBT (Lutheran Bible Translators) https://www.lca.org.au/
- MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) https://maf.org.au/countries/arnhem-land/
- NPB (Ngaanyatjarra Bible Project)
- NRCC (Northern Regional Council of Congress – a region of the UAICC – see below) http://www.ns.uca.org.au/presbyteries/northern-regional-council-of-congress/
- Nungalinya Aboriginal Theological College, Darwin http://www.nungalinya.edu.au/
- PBTP (Pitjantjatjara Bible Translation Project Inc.)
- RC (Roman Catholic Church of Australia and Catholic Mission) https://www.catholicmission.org.au/
- Salvation Army https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/about-us/
- UCA (Uniting Church in Australia) https://assembly.uca.org.au/
- UAICC (United Aboriginal & Islander Christian Congress) https://uaicc.org.au/