Scripture Resources
‘Godkunydja Dhäruk Yuṯana Gal’ŋu Dhawu’-nherraṉara’ (New Testament) was launched in 1985 to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the church at Yirrkala. This was the first full New Testament in a Yolŋu language. Extensive selections of the Old Testament (40%) were produced in 1989 and published as ‘Godku Dhäruk Dhawu’-nherraṉhara ŋurruthanhara Gal’ŋu’ (Shorter Old Testament). This is the only Shorter Old Testament published in a Yolŋu language and one of the few across Australia. The Old Testament text will be made available on this site when ready.
… “after months of checking and editing the New Testament for printing publication (1985), the translation of Old Testament began in earnest. A new computer was used for the Old Testament, which made for a more efficient process. Bible Society prepared a ‘good overview’ that was used for the selection of Old Testament passages. The selection of Old Testament passages was published in 1989.” (Joyce, Mutilŋa, Guḻumbu and Felicity)
Online Bible | Read the Bible online |
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5fish | Download audio from GRN |
These resources may be purchased through The Bible Place, 3/38 Elder St, Alice Springs, Tel 08 8953 3057. Email
Galpu, Wangurri, Gumatj | DHGC8428A -- Bärra West Wind - Gälpu Yothu Yindi Gospel | 800-Music & Combinations | CD | ARDS | 25 |
Gumatj | GNNC806A -- East Wind, Precious Love of Jesus | 800-Music & Combinations | CD | CIMR | 15 |
Gumatj | GNND312A -- Luke series. Last supper, Crucifixion & Resurrection | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | DVD | WBTA | 15 |
Gumatj | GNNK806A -- East Wind | 800-Music & Combinations | Cassette | CIMR | 5 |
Gumatj | GNNP142A -- Luke | 100-Bible Books | Bible Society | 0 | |
Gumatj | GNNV312A -- Luke Series in Gumatj | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | Video Cassette | 10 |
General Language Information:
Gumatj is a language spoken by approximately 500 speakers and is named after one of the sixteen tribes (or clans) that live in and around Yirrkala in north-east Arnhem Land, known collectively as Yolngu.
Some alternative names for this language are: Gomadj, Gumait, Gumaj. Many of the Yolngu in the region live in small communities located on the traditional homelands of their various clan groups.
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Some word examples :
Salt water crocodile — ‘Baru’
Non-Aboriginal person —’Balanda’
fire (generic) —’gurtha’
water (generic) —’gapu’

Isaiah 9:6 Liŋgu yothu’ warray dhawal-wuyaŋina ŋanapurruŋgunydja guŋga’yunarawu,
liŋguna ŋunhi nhe wekaŋalanydja ŋanapurruŋgu ŋunhiyina ḏarramunhana,
ga ŋayina yurru ŋurruŋu buŋgawanydja ŋanapurruŋgu.
Ŋayinydja yurru ŋunhi yäkunydja guḻku’, balanyara bitjan “Manymak Guŋga’yunaramirri”,
ga wiripunydja ŋayi yäku “ḻiya-djambatj galŋu Marŋgikunharamirri,”
ga “Ganydjarr-ḏumurru God Waŋarr,”
ga “Walŋa-ḏikṯik Gunhu’ God,”
ga wiripunydja yäku “Ŋurruŋuna walŋu Romgu Ŋayaŋu-yal’yunaramirriwuna,”
balanyarayi ŋayinydja ŋunhiyinydja yolŋu.