

Scripture Resources

This version includes the New Testament and selections of the Old Testament (Genesis 1-11, Ruth & Jonah) dedicated at Numbulwar in September 2010.

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These resources may be purchased through The Bible Place, 3/38 Elder St, Alice Springs, Tel 08 8953 3057. Email

WubuyNUYC3106A -- God'sword in Wubuy 6 CD's300 Bible Stories & Small PortionsCDBible Society15
WubuyNUYO3106A -- God'sword in Wubuy MP3300 Bible Stories & Small PortionsCDBible Society10
WubuyNUYP2201A -- Wubuy New Testament &
Ana-Manngulg Ana-Wubiba
Anu-gadhuwa Ana-lhaawu
200-Multiple Bible BooksPrint20
WubuyNUYP2201A -- Wubuy New Testament &_x000D_
Ana-Manngulg Ana-Wubiba_x000D_
Anu-gadhuwa Ana-lhaawu
200-Multiple Bible BooksPrint20
WubuyNUYP8371A -- Wubuy Song book800-Music & CombinationsPrintAuSIL10

General Language Information:

Wubuy is the language of the approximately 500 Nunggubuyu people living in the area near Numbulwar on the Gulf of Carpentaria in the Northern Territory. In the past this language was known as ‘Nunggubuyu’, however it is more correctly the name of the people group meaning “people of Wubuy”.

It is used as a partial or second language by a further 400 people in the Numbulwar region. Speakers are bilingual in Kriol, and while they understand Wubuy children generally speak Kriol.

According to Dr Brett Baker (University of Newcastle) “Difficulties in deciphering Wubuy grammar has meant it has been relatively overlooked.” The Wubuy language is unique and complex.

Early Bible translation work in Wubuy began with CMS Missionary Len Harris (pictured right) when he realised one of the languages, Wubuy, was widely understood around the Arnhem Land coast because its speakers, the Nunggubuyu people, were great travellers by canoe or across country. It was a kind of “lingua franca” in those days, so Len decided that it would be the best language into which to translate the Bible.

A MiniBible was printed in the early 1990’s, containing 70% of the New Testament and a small selection of Old Testament portions (Genesis 1-11, Ruth & Jonah). Continuing work by the Wubuy translators with assistance from Michael & Margaret Hore saw the dedication of the New Testament (along with Old Testament portions) at Numbulwar in September 2010.

John 3:16 Na-God ngarrani-ngaynbandii-windiyung warra-wurru-wurruj anaani-rruj-jinyung ana-lhal-lhangu ngurru-burraa, wudani-yung-gala ngarrani-yayn, nigawi-nyinyung naaynjaabu-nyung-bugij na-Niwiyayung. Nguynju yadhu, warraaynbaj-maynji ambu-jambarrgiiyn niga na-Niwiyayung, yagi wu-ngawi, warrubawi-yung ambu-wiri ambu-burraa anggu-wuguuguni.