

Scripture Resources

Little scripture has been published to date in Anmatyerr (with the exception of Mark and John’s gospels). However this site makes available for the first time Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Titus, Philemon, James, 1&2 Thessalonians, and 1&2 Timothy.

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These resources may be purchased through The Bible Place, 3/38 Elder St, Alice Springs, Tel 08 8953 3057. Email

AnmatyerrAMXA431A -- Anmatyerr John and Small Catechism400-Bible Resources20
AnmatyerrAMXC143A -- Anmatyerr John scripture audio800-Music & Combinationsaudio10
AnmatyerrAMXD9339A -- Anmatyerr Catechism Dedication 2013900-OtherDVDCIMR15
AnmatyerrAMXO181A -- Mark with tapes100-Bible BooksPrint +Anmatyerr Bible Project20
AnmatyerrAMXP182A -- Mark100-Bible BooksprintAnmatyerr Bible Project5
AnmatyerrAMXP3101A -- Anmatyerr Angey-kenh Lerekw Jesus God’s Son Jesus300 Bible Stories & Small PortionsPrint5
AnmatyerrAMXP530A -- Central Anmatyerr Picture dictionary500-Language & CulturePrintIAD Press30
AnmatyerrAMXP531A -- Anmatyerr to English Dictionary500-Language & CulturePrintIAD Press70
AnmatyerrAMXP8193A -- Ilewerr Gospel songbook - Songs in Eastern Anmatyerr from the Wilora Community800-Music & CombinationsPrintAuSIL15
AnmatyerrAMXP9350A -- Angketj Catechism-akert The Small Catechism900-OtherPrintAnmatyerr Bible Project5
AnmatyerrAMXU181A -- Mark with USB100-Bible BooksPrint & USBAnmatyerr Bible Project15
AnmatyerrAMXU9339A -- Anmatyerr Mark & Catechism with USB100-Bible BooksPrint & USBAnmatyerr Bible Project20
Anmatyerr & KaytetyeAMXC8384A -- Ilewerr Gospel800-Music & CombinationsCDTracks of the desert22
Anmatyerr & KaytetyeAMXK8384A -- Ilewerr Gospel800-Music & CombinationscassetteTracks of the desert22
Anmatyerr / KaytetyeAMXC8378A -- Anwantherr Ayelhetyek800-Music & CombinationsCDCIMR25
Anmatyerr / KaytetyeAMXC8378A -- Anwantherr Ayelhetyek 2xCD800-Music & CombinationsCDCIMR25
Anmatyerr and KaytetyeAMXU8378A -- Awantherr Ayelhetyek800-Music & CombinationsUSB25
Western ArrarntaAREF8180A -- Ntaria Gospel Songbook with CD800-Music & Combinationsprint & cdAnmatyerr Bible Project12

General Language Information:

The Anmatyerr language is spoken by approximately 1,000 speakers, with possibly a further 2,000 using it as a second language. Speakers are mostly located in the area of central Australia of approximately 40,000 square kilometres, centred about 200 km north of Alice Springs. There are no hard and fast geographical boundaries to Anmatyerr country, but the region extends roughly from Mt Allan (Yuelamu) in the west to some of the Sandover outstations in the east, and from Stirling (Wilora) in the north to around Native Gap in the south.

Communities within this area include Yuelamu (Mt Allan), Laramba (Napperby), Pulardi (Desert Bore), Ti Tree, Ti Tree Six Mile (Pmara Jutunta), Wilora (Stirling), some of the outstations on Utopia, Mulga Bore and Adelaide Bore. Many Anmatyerr people also live in regional centres, such as Alice Springs, and in other communities, such as Yuendumu, Willowra and Engawala (Alcoota).

“For Anmatyerr people, their language is more than a means of communication; it links them with their family, their country and their ancestral stories.” (quote from Jenny Green, author of Anmatyerr to English Dictionary)

The Anmatyerr Mini-Bible was published by the Bible Society in 2021, with four celebrations at Ti Tree (Nturiya), Laramba, Yuelamu (Mt Allan) and Alice Springs Lutheran Church. It contains three Gospels, Mark, Luke and John; Acts; and 7 epistles 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon and James.

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Barkly Shire

“Altjerr kwenh tjerrtj ahelh-areny mapeh nyerrkek, lakenheng rang lerekw kwerenh nyent renh ahelh-warn lanthek. Kwereny tjerrti inarl ler kwerenh nakemeng, inang Altjerrel-ayel kwet iteth anetjenh.” John 3:16 as it appears in the Anmatyerr Gospel of John