‘Anantherr Alyawarr ingkerr’
(We are all Alyawarr people)
Scripture Resources
This electronic version of the Alyawarr Bible, reflects the text as published in the 2010 edition of Angka Mwerr-angker plus new material completed to date. It was translated by members of AuSIL and staff of the Finke River Mission of the Lutheran Church of Australia, in consultation with Alyawarr people, and published by Bible Society Australia.
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These resources may be purchased through The Bible Place, 3/38 Elder St, Alice Springs, Tel 08 8953 3057. Email
Alawa | ALYC804A -- Alyawarr Songs | 800-Music & Combinations | CD | CIMR | 15 |
Alyawarr | ALYB142A -- Alyawarr Luke Book & microSD audio | 100-Bible Books | Micro SD & Book | AuSIL | 30 |
Alyawarr | ALYC142A -- Luke Alyawarr CD only | 100-Bible Books | CD | AuSIL | 32 |
Alyawarr | ALYP142A -- Alyawarr Luke Book only | 100-Bible Books | AuSIL | 12 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP208A -- Angka Mwerr-angker/Good News-Portions of Old & New Testament/ | 200-Multiple Bible Books | Alyawarr Translation Project | 22 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP208A -- Good News-Portions of Old & New Testament/Angka Mwerr-angker | 200-Multiple Bible Books | Alyawarr Translation Project | 30 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP3102A -- Akngeyelan Ahern Nhenhen Arnwarnew/God Made this Earth (with pencils) | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | Alyawarr Translation Project | 7 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP3103A -- Alakenh Tyeythethel Arnwarnenh Akalty anthenh then/Stories from God’s Word | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | Alyawarr Translation Project | 0 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP3105A -- Angka Akarteng rnem Akngey kenh Pip-they/ Short Stories from God’s Word | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | Alyawarr Translation Project | 10 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP3408A -- Akngey-wenh Alerijw-akert Jesus-akert God's Son Jesus | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | Alyawarr Translation Project | 5 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP3409A -- Jesus -elan Tyenkerr Ikwerenh-rnem-akert Arlkwew - Jesus ate the Passover with his Deciples-colour book & pencils | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | Alyawarr Translation Project | 7 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP3410A -- Tyitheth Renharl Atnyenew Jesus was Born Colouring Book & Pencils | 900-Other | Alyawarr Translation Project | 6 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP3411A -- Jesus-elan Arntety-rnem Mwerrelew Jesus healed Sick People Colouring Book & Pencils (W'house no pencils) | 300 Bible Stories & Small Portions | Alyawarr Translation Project | 6 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP530A -- Alyawarr Picture Dictionary | 500-Language & Culture | IAD Press | 30 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP537A -- Alyawarr to English Dictionary | 500-Language & Culture | IAD Press | 20 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP8121A -- Alyawarr songbook_x000D_ Anantherran Aylelheyel Ngkweng | 800-Music & Combinations | 8 | ||
Alyawarr | ALYP8121A -- Alyawarr songbook, Anantherran Aylelheyel Ngkweng | 800-Music & Combinations | AuSIL | 10 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP9333A -- Ywelew-wenh Aperrk Yulu's Charcoal | 900-Other | Alyawarr Translation Project | 2 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP9334A -- Alyawarr Colouring Book & pencils | 900-Other | Alyawarr Translation Project | 7 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP9338A -- Akngey ngkweng ilkelheyel, Alyawarr Sticker | 900-Other | AuSIL | 2 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP9375A -- Tyitheth Renharl Atnyenew Alyawarr The Story of Christmas colouring book only | 900-Other | SIL-AAIB | 5 | |
Alyawarr | ALYP977A -- Jesus-an Katy Ilwew/Jesus Died for Us book and CD or Cassette | 900-Other | Print + CD/Cassette | Alyawarr Translation Project | 0 |
Alyawarr | ALYP978A -- Nthenh angkwarr Alay warlen/Is This the Way to the Sea book & pencils | 900-Other | Print + | Alyawarr Translation Project | 4 |
Alyawarr | ALYS142A -- Alyawarr Luke audio only on micro SD card | 100-Bible Books | MicroSD | AuSIL | 10 |
Alyawarr | ALYU142A -- Alyawarr Luke audio USB sticks only | 100-Bible Books | USB | AuSIL | 10 |
Alyawarr | ALYU201A -- Alyawarr 1 & 2 Thessalonians audio USB only | 200-Multiple Bible Books | USB | AuSIL AliceSprings | 10 |
Alyawarr and English | ALYU803A -- One Day Soon | 800-Music & Combinations | USB | 15 | |
Aylawarr Northern | ALYNP208A -- Angka Mwerr-angker /Good News / Portions of OT and NT /Northern Edition Alyawarr | 200-Multiple Bible Books | Alyawarr Translation Project | 22 |
General Language Information:
The Alyawarr language is spoken by about 1800 people (2011 Census). The majority of these people are located in the northeastern parts of the Central Australia approximately 300 km north east of Alice Springs.
According to the 2001 Census the Alyawarr language has the sixth largest number of speakers of any of the traditional Aboriginal languages (excluding creole languages) making it a large and viable language.
The Alyawarr people have maintained a strong affiliation with their traditional country region with most speakers living in small remote outstations, hunting and gathering bush foods. There has been limited interference by other cultures therefore their language remains relatively preserved, with a young speaking population.
The Alyawarr MiniBible ‘Angka Mwerr-angker’ was published in 2010 and launched at Irrultja outstation (4 hours drive from Alice Springs) on Palm Sunday 2010, this is a diglot edition in both Alyawarr and English.

John 3:16: Akngey ingkerrenhek artewentyel ilkelheyel ahern nhenh-areny-rnemek. Rarl alerikw anyentant ikwerenh arwa alhewer-antey thwenek ahern nhenh-warl. Ingwerentyel ikwerenh-angkwarr apententy, rap iteth intem aneyenh, ilwey-angenh.